Monday, January 17, 2011

My Pledge to Become Winoteric in One Year - Day 1

Ok, so I know this may seem very Julie Powell of me, and not very original but, I have my own direction here.  I love wine.  I know a little bit about a good California Cab or an Argentinean Malbec but all I really know is that they are bold, red, and I like the way they taste.  So, this is my goal, much like Julie Powell's journey to learn how to cook by making everything in Julia Child's cookbook in one year, I am challenging myself to learn something new about wine every day for one year.  Every day this year I will post information here about my research as well as write about my journey to discovering my palate for wine through tastings.

It will be difficult to dedicate the time that it will take to learn what I want to learn and experience what I want to experience this year but I'm completely dedicated and I'm up for the challenge.  By the end of this journey I hope to acquire my sommelier certification and advance my position from server to beverage or bar manager in a reputable restaurant.

Here we go!


  1. I think what you're doing is commendable and I can't wait to be a part of your journey (mainly because that means I get to drink large amounts of wine with great people:). Let me know when you want to grab a bottle! I support you all the way!!! Much love and luck friend on your new endevor!

  2. As I said, I love this idea! As far as resources, I definitely recommend the Wine Bible, if you don't have it already.
